
Yesterdays are gone, tomorrow is new,
But we can still hold on to memories though few.
Reminisce about those time in a better view,
Until your heart breaks in two.
One half says "Smile", one half blue,
Neither condescending nor remotely new.
What happened to those you thought you knew?
Why did they have to leave without a clue?
The reasons may still remain askew,
Those days so painful, hurt so true,
But you move on, see life in a different view,
The sky turns a different shade and hue.
All you have left is a memory or two-
This is what builds a stronger You.

My Artwork. I call it "DUALITY"

Jaded Me

Forgotten is the Little Girl,
Who played among flowers and trees,
Replacing the little girl,
Was a lonely heart, a Jaded Me.

Curiosity filled her soul,
She wanted to be free,
But that was long ago,
All that’s left is an anguished plea.

I don’t recall laughing so hard,
Laughing so whole heartedly,
Fed up of everything in and around,
What has Life left to offer me?

When did the Little Girl die?
Why do I feel so empty?
The little Ballerina had grown cold,
Immunized the heart from misery.

But I guess it simply suits me well,
To steer clear of any stormy sea.
Forgotten pasts buried deep inside,
Life lessons offered by Memories.

I don’t need another human,
Offering perpetual company,
I’m sure I’ll be just fine,
Though a lonely heart, a Jaded Me.

Ruby Slippers

If only I could click my Ruby Slippers,
Or find another way to get closer,
To a place of peace and laughter,
I can’t wait much longer.

I live in a world of black and white,
Everyday, surviving is a fight.
In the midst of many worries, strife,
Is this what has become of my life?

Where there are shadows there’ll be light,
A place where I’d truly sleep at night,
Rather than drowning in my plight,
When everything is unconditionally right.

I bought freedom at a price too high,
I have forsaken it all to live in a lie.
With nothing left to call mine,
Except this inner anguished cry.

Within four walls buried by tomes,
Here rots my corpse deep in soil and loam,
Is there anyway I can break this dome?
Surely, “There’s No Place Like Home“.

A Withering Old Tree

Lofty, yet frail,
A Withering Old Tree,
Stands alone on an Island,
In the midst of a sea.

Lo! There it stood!
Nowhere to go.
It saw a storm approaching,
Adding to perennial sorrow.

The patter of a drizzle,
Turned into a pouring rain,
The weeping Hosts of Heaven,
Cried out in anguished pain!

Thunder follows Lightening,
Lightening preceded Fire.
Three of its branches,
To the flame it surrenders.

Why does it hurt?
Why does it pain?
Is there any way,
To numb its burning veins?

Should the Tree live?
Or should it just die?
Or is there anywhere,
It can run and hide?

Then came a silence,
It could hear its own breath,
But the icy touch of loneliness,
Was as cold as a corpse in death.

Not so Lofty anymore,
The Withered Old Tree,
Stood charred and beaten,
Desiccated by World’s cruelty.

On East’s horizon,
The Sun did rise.
Above the clouds,
It shone, shedding its disguise.

At the first ray of hope,
The Tree sighed in relief,
It shook off the scorched skin,
And underneath rose a young, green leaf…


I’ve been dead,
I’ve been revived,
And a lot of things have gone through my mind.
But I’m still learning,
To be strong.
I’ve been cursed,
I’ve been blessed,
A lot of times before,
But one thing I still don’t know,
Is my life worth much more?

Will my heart ever concede,
To what my head wants to say?
Will the soul not move on,
If life wanted to stay?
Where do I find the answers,
To the questions that life puts forth,
When will I know for certain,
When will I be Unsure?

I am lost,
I am found,
A part of me is still wandering,
Alone in the wilderness,
On my own.
I do weep,
I do cry,
That’s something no one knows,
When my heart was about to break,
It was a smile that I wore.


I still need an inner peace,
I can’t rest when I try to sleep,
I could not see the light
In the tunnel in my darkest night.
I still need to know the truth,
The secret to the mysteries of life,
Why do I want to know,
About things I can always ignore?

Where do I find the answers,
To the questions that life puts forth,
When will I know for certain,
When will I be Unsure?


Emancipate me, set me free.
Don’t need these shackles of society.
Please release me from these chains,
I don’t stand to lose or gain.
Awaken in me a sense of self,
Don’t want to be some timid elf.
In life’s grave I’ve been lain,
Hurt and torn by innate pain.
Couldn’t take it, so decided to leave,
But still, for the rest of you I grieve.
Why continue in this foolish stage show,
When in misery we move to and fro?
Emancipate me, set me free,
No more a slave to society.