How Reality killed the Disney Princess

The Disney Love Story-Once upon a time, in Far-far-away Land lived a charming, handsome Prince with a beautiful White Horse. He had everything he ever needed but was cursed to an Eternity of Loneliness. One glorious summer day he happened to rescue a Fair Maiden. They fell in love, his curse was lifted and they Lived happily ever after...  Oh and, I forgot to mention that they rode away towards the horizon in their White Wedding finery amidst cheering crowds on that beautiful White Horse before the sign "The End" appears on screen..!
Reality's Love Story-You're at a party and you meet some one new. Girl thinks, "Hey this guy seems way better than the jerks I've dated." Guy thinks, "Not bad, we have a lot in common." This leads to an add on Facebook, swapping of numbers, a date, a relationship, followed by an awkward, "This is not working out.. You deserve someone better.. We're not meant to be.." conversation. If a couple still manages to get past that, there are parents and society not being ok with it! So the unhappy couple part ways and the cycle starts again, but this time, with a different person..
As a little girl, I pictured myself living a modern day version of the Disney dream. Fairytales.. *sigh..* Disney always had those things called Happy Endings.. Wonder whatever happened to that rare commodity now! Does Prince Charming exist? Is Magick extinct? Somewhere down the lane I realized that continuing to exist in that world of naivety was a recipe for heartbreak.
When we were kids, they gave us Hope. They said that one day you will find your Soulmate and you will have your very own happy ending. They didnt tell us that Prince Charming may like that other girl. They didnt tell us that with all that good food Princess Belle put on a few extra pounds. They didnt tell us that Cinderella wasnt allowed to wed the Prince cos they werent of the same caste/religion. So much for the honesty!!
Do Fairytales come true?? There might for a lucky few for whom they do. But they're the Exception! We aren't a part of that exception. For us mortals, life, as a rule, seems to follow the Murphy's Laws- If something can ever go wrong, It Will!!
In conclusion, Is living in the Disney world worth all the vulnerability and inevitable heartbreak? Or should we harden ourselves to face Reality and miss out on all that glorious love that could someday be possible?
Nah.. I dont think I could ever be that cynical. I Believe. I Hope. I Love. I Live..



Rejis said...

A sleeping princess does not wake up to a prince's kiss, it is rather that she chooses to whom to wake up to, some of us, wake up too early, some too late