Paradise Forever Lost

O lonely nights, the gentle rustle of leaves,
Is all i would hear as i look beyond the trees,
Out onto those vast, lush expanse of fertile land,
A beautiful creation of Mother Nature's hand.
Memoires and recollection of things in my past,
Of happy moments i hoped would last.
Through the troubled times of misery,
An inner peace nature did offer me.
I could always battle stresses untold,
When the wind in it's arms did softly hold
And comfort me till the pain sailed away-
All my tears nature would stop at bay.
Where, as a child I'd create a world of fantasy,
Where everything did revolve around me.
My Paradise around reminded me of brighter days,
As i, into the sparkling stars, did gaze,
Humming an old tune like "Starry, Starry Night"
Paradise did always fill me with such delight!
Thanking God for giving me a day so new,
To feel so alive like the fields i view.
But my Paradise is now gone forever-
Destroyed by the cruel force of man is nature!
Cluttered by people and construction sites,
As they unearth and re-earth right through the night
Where i heard the birds chirp and sing,
I now hear loud drills and trucks thundering,
With concrete and bricks to build great walls..
..I now see Mother Nature fall!
No more will i see the green, green grass,
Nor the colourful birds that glide, Alas!
No more can i hear the leaves softly rustle,
Over the noise of the machines' muscle.
In the hands of mankind Nature died.
Now I've got nowhere, away from the world to hide.
Humanity sacrificed a treasure at a very high cost.
Don't hey realize Paradise is forever lost?