Perfect Little Universe

What do I look for? What do I feel I should have in order to make my life complete? Honest answer- I DON'T KNOW! All I know is that this feeling, an emptiness that persists around me, is strong enough to choke the air out of my lungs!!! I guess it's just that cliche "Searching for something you can't find". Why can't life just come with a Users' Manual or something? Or Someone calling you one fine morning and says "Follow the White Rabbit..."! Don't get me wrong.. I'm not searching for love, money or fame. Excessively passionate love scares me; i live within my means; I'm pretty well-known in my circles. I guess I'm looking for "a moment".. A moment where you are genuinely happy. A moment when you don't have to care about anything or anyone. A moment where you don't have to count the seconds before it ends(like it always does).. Hmmm... So to refine the search, i guess I'm searching for stable happiness.. But is that possible? Can there ever be something called stable happiness? Ice creams are good. You could possibly love ice creams to a point bordering on insanity. But no one could eat that 24-7, 365 days for all ETERNITY, right? This is what makes us all human. Even though we get exactly what we want, we wouldn't want it forever. We find ourselves stuck in a rut. What do we then? Where do we head from there? Growing up you wanted a shiny red bicycle. Later, you wanted that bike. Now you drive a car. Rut Hit! So what next? Flying lessons? White river rafting? Of cos u are happy with your car! You wipe it everyday or pay a driver to do that, service it regularly and do the needful. But does it still hold the same charm it held the first day you drove it into your drive way? Things eventually loose their magic. But what saddens me is to see people walking around, carrying on with their lives, knowing they've hit a rut in the form of routine, routine and routine. Wake up in the morning with a spouse u've been married to for years, eat a "fat-free" breakfast, head to Ur workplace, receive and respond to the same greetings you hear day-in and day-out, slog through work, a different day, same faces and places....... life goes on. Yet they are afraid to admit to themselves, let alone anyone else, that they need to break free. The need to experience things better, that make you feel Alive, rather than reminisce about "those good old days" in a quiet moment. It scares them to make changes in their "perfect little universe" not realizing that beyond it there may be a sky more blue. Go out and start Living you Zombies! You are no robot programmed into this routine. What's the point of working so hard to just find yourself in an old age home one day, regretting the things you missed out on in life cos you've been "too busy"??!